
The Hanze Studentenbelangen Vereniging (HSV) has been actively advocating for the interests of students at Hanze University Groningen (Hanze) for 20 years. As a faction, we do this within the University Council (council). The council consists of eighteen elected individuals. Nine staff members and nine students. This academic year, the HSV faction holds three of the nine seats. Hopefully, in May, 31,000 students will once again choose the HSV by a majority.

The academic year for the council is divided into nine cycles. In each cycle, proposed decisions from the Board of Directors (Board) are presented that require the advice or approval of the council. Each cycle consists of at least three and up to four weeks during which all decisions are deliberated. These deliberations occur successively within the factions, the council committees, the entire council, and the concluding consultation meeting between the council and the Board.

In addition to these basic tasks of the council, factions can choose to agenda and initiate topics themselves. The HSV chooses to advocate for the interests of students in that manner as well.

Paul Zuurmond (Faction-Chairman 2023-2024)
Julius Stalpers (Faction-Secretary 2023-2024)
Jorrit Hofstra (Faction Member 2023-2024)