Already Achieved


Accessibility of education

  • The HSV has ensured the adoption of a joint position with other national advocacy groups to establish frameworks for flexible education. This emphasizes open, online, and accessible education and is incorporated into discussions with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science.
  • The HSV has ensured the provision of more detailed information about educational programs and clearer differentiations between similar courses. This facilitates the process of choosing a course of study.
  • The HSV has facilitated the ability for dual students who wish to print a document to upload it and pay for it via the webshop.
  • The HSV has provided both solicited and unsolicited advice on the study choice check, leading to individual matching discussions with students from 2014-2015, ensuring that students are suited to their chosen program.
  • The HSV has expressed opposition to the plans of the University of Groningen to exclude generic HBO Propaedeutic students. The HSV has contributed to allowing faculties of the University of Groningen to determine whether they set additional admission requirements, but without completely excluding HBO Propaedeutic students.
  • The HSV has ensured the installation of a pedestrian crossing near the Albert Heijn To Go.


Quality of education

  • The HSV has been involved in discussions with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science regarding performance-based funding in higher education.
  • The HSV organized a 24-hour study marathon to send a signal to the government that students have the right to and advocate for high-quality education, even during times of budget cuts.
  • The HSV arranged a pedagogical didactic qualification course for part-time teachers at Minerva to provide students with better education.
  • The HSV has agreed to the Professionalization Fund, which allocates more funds to teachers who want to or can obtain their master's degree to ensure the quality of education.


Participation and influence

  • The HSV has worked towards a diverse composition of all councils and maintains regular contact with student representatives from these councils.
  • The HSV is closely involved in the implementation of the Law on Strengthening Governance, especially concerning program committees, student assessors, and tuition-free governance.


Student psychologist

According to various studies, approximately half of the students experience mental health issues during their studies, and a third even suffer from forms of depression. A study on stress among over 1300 Hanze University students revealed that the support services and information provision from the Hanze University concerning mental health issues need to be expanded. As early as May 2018, we advocated in the Dagblad van het Noorden for the appointment of student psychologists. We are currently working on the implementation of these plans.

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