Political Committee
HSV previously had a debate committee that organized debates. This year, the political committee was formed, which has a more comprehensive range of tasks than just organizing debates. After all, HSV is a representative of student interests, politics flows through our veins, and much more can be accomplished with politics within our association.
Contact: Politiek@hanzestudentenbelangen.nl
Politieke commissie 2023-2024
Paul Zuurmond (2023) | Fractievoorzitter |
Julius Stalpers (2023) | Fractiesecretaris |
Matthijs Tuinstra (2023) | Algemeen lid |
Margriet Velting (2022) | Algemeen lid |
Ciska Mulder (2023) | Algemeen lid |
Rik Straathof (2023) | Algemeen lid |
Rianne Linker (2023) | Algemeen lid |