Political Committee

HSV previously had a debate committee that organized debates. This year, the political committee was formed, which has a more comprehensive range of tasks than just organizing debates. After all, HSV is a representative of student interests, politics flows through our veins, and much more can be accomplished with politics within our association.

Contact: Politiek@hanzestudentenbelangen.nl

Politieke commissie 2023-2024

Paul Zuurmond (2023) Fractievoorzitter
Julius Stalpers (2023) Fractiesecretaris
Matthijs Tuinstra (2023) Algemeen lid
Margriet Velting (2022) Algemeen lid
Ciska Mulder (2023) Algemeen lid
Rik Straathof (2023) Algemeen lid
Rianne Linker (2023) Algemeen lid

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